The Wedding of Rachel and Will – Norwood Park

Last Saturday I made my first visit to Norwood Park a stunning venue in Nottinghamshire for Rachel and Will’s beautiful wedding.

I had been looking forward to this wedding ever since my pre-wedding shoot with them at Stowe Gardens. We had so much fun on that shoot and it was great hearing all about their plans for the day.

The sun was shining for us as I met up with Rachel and her lovely bridesmaids for bridal prep photos. The bridal suite at Norwood Park must be one of the nicest rooms I have been in for prep and the light was perfect! Rachel looked beautiful in her dress and the emotions were flowing as her Dad, Roger came in to see her for the first time. 

The ceremony room was decorated to perfection by the ladies from “The Flower Shed” and Will was all smiles as he waited patiently at the front of the aisle. 

There were a few tears as Rachel made her entrance and plenty of laughter and a few “classic” expressions from Rachel and Will as they exchanged rings lol. A wonderful ceremony.

Everyone got to enjoy the grounds in the sunshine with Pimms, Canapes, and garden games as we did our thing capturing candids and family photos.

Next up everyone headed to “The Gallery” for the wedding breakfast. Once again, a really stunning setting with Chandeliers, flowers, and candles. My words can’t do it justice but you will see plenty of photos below.

Another highlight of the day was the speeches! 5 of them in fact. So many funny and heart-felt moments. It was such a pleasure to capture it all.

There was even time to head out on a golf buggy to the lake for some early evening photos and I love the shots of Rachel and Will twirling Rachel’s dress. So much fun!

Back just in time for the cutting of the cake and the first dance which was also followed by the father/daughter dance as the band got everyone up on the dance floor to party on into the evening.

Rachel and Will, what can I say about you guys!? You sure made our job an easy one. You are just so fun to be around and I truly felt privileged to be your wedding photographer. I wish we could do it all again! Have an amazing honeymoon and I hope you enjoy reliving the day through this rather large selection of photos 🙂

Big thanks also to Jonathan for 2nd shooting and being my wingman on the day.

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